
Cottage Style Party & Cottages in the Snow

It occurred to me last week, after our third snowfall, 
that nothing is more cozy than a cottage in the snow.

Yep, I think a cottage in full summer bloom is the prettiest, but a cottage in the snow makes me think cozy thoughts such as:

Snuggling in a blanket watching the snow fall.

Drinking hot cocoa in front of a warm fire.

The scent of baking cookies.

Pinning things on Pinterest.

I guess that last one is multi-seasonal.

But the other ideas, done on a cold day, just don't have the same coziness on a warm summer day.

So I drove around my neighborhood and my work neighborhood taking photos of cottages in the snow.

Let's have a look….

I love this little bungalow. The couple that own it have really embraced the bungalow style. This was a foreclosure home with beautiful wood floors and fireplace but ugly cheap 70's kitchen. Not sure if they remodeled the kitchen but the stone was a very nice addition to this little charmer!

In the summer I like to ride my bike past this house. I love how they really embrace the orange! The porch on the side has orange Adirondack chairs that match the front door. 

Right around the corner from the orange house is this little gem. I love rounded doors and the lime green on this really makes it pop! Especially surrounded by snow.

This old cottage is right downtown on the main street. The large bracket makes me think it was a business and home at one time.

Can you believe the trim on this beauty? The couple who own it really brought it back from sad shape when they bought it.

This is my favorite cottage in town. There's an alley that runs down the side so you can snoop, I mean catch a glimpse of the lovely side entrance and beautifully landscaped backyard. Their inspiration was the French cottages they saw on vacation in the French countryside.

I work in another neighborhood full of charming cottages. In the summer I like to walk on my lunch break and check them out. I love this stone cottage, so charming in the snow!

I think all my favorite cottages are in front of stop signs. 
I adore this storybook cottage!
Another rounded door!

I love the brick and stone and steep root line! And those tiny windows are so sweet!

Another rounded door and I love the siding color! In the summer this cottage is hidden behind the tree.

I love those skinny windows on the second floor. Another home hidden by trees in the summer.

Twin stone arches and a rounded door.

Another brick and stone cottage with rounded door. This neighborhood is full of them!

I love the holiday colors of this cottage that do not feel very holiday the rest of the year. I love that they kept their greens up this late in January!

Anyone feel like a hot cocoa in front of a fire yet?

Hello Friends!

Welcome to this weeks

Cottage Style Party!


How is everyone this week?

It's cold and snowing (again!) here in Ohio. I'm trying to love the snow and the way it makes everything look so fresh and clean.

But I have my spring blinders on waiting for the first teeny tiny sign of spring.

Anyone else in winter denial?

Let's see what you've been up to this last week….

Doesn't this look yummy?
With all the snow we keep having this easy to make snow ice cream is a grand idea. You had me with "easy" Diane!

Stop over to Diane's blog An Extraordinary Day for the easy directions. I've pinned this to my recipe board, have you?

I love the title of Susan's blog post "Embracing Winter" as I too am trying to embrace winter. What better way to embrace winter than with this adorable snowman!

Skip on over to Susan's blog Eclectic Shorebird to see more of her idea of winter fun! Hint: its warmer!

I love how Debbie transformed her holiday decor to winter decor. She removed the red bows, the holiday wreath and lights, then added snowflakes and a rustic wreath!

Drop in to Debbie's blog Debbie-Dabble to see all the details with before and after shots!

If you were featured, don't
forget your button!


Join the fun!

Join the party!

We're snowed in at the

Cottage Style Party!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thanks for stopping by!

 Please visit these wonderful bloggers 

and their fabulous blogs 

to see what they are up to:


  1. Wow, I'm the FIRST ONE in the fun party! I love all those lovely homes in the Winter wonderland, such beautiful images. Nice features too. Thank you Deb for hostessing this week for us.

  2. Deb,
    I love all those cottages...it would be hard to choose just one of them. I love the round doors too. I'd love to go in and visit each one. So, so cute and so pretty in the snow! Thanks for hosting!

  3. I was so engrossed in going back and forth looking at the cottages, I almost forgot about the party. Thanks for that tour of homes. Plus I got to see snow!

  4. Deb...I, too, am a huge fan of peaky roofed houses, er...cottages!!! Truly...ask my husband. I LOVE them so much. That peaky roof gives them so much style and character. :)

    Thank you sooo much for featuring my snow ice cream. Now that you have another snowfall, I hope you give it a try. We had so much fun with it and of course the light sweet taste was just right on a cold day. Again...thank you for this lovely blessing.

    Wishing you An Extraordinary Day!!

  5. Deb...I, too, am a huge fan of peaky roofed houses, er...cottages!!! Truly...ask my husband. I LOVE them so much. That peaky roof gives them so much style and character. :)

    Thank you sooo much for featuring my snow ice cream. Now that you have another snowfall, I hope you give it a try. We had so much fun with it and of course the light sweet taste was just right on a cold day. Again...thank you for this lovely blessing.

    Wishing you An Extraordinary Day!!

    1. Diane…we had snow (again!) but by the time I got out there to gather some the wind had blown lots of leaves and birdseed shells over it. That's okay, as it will snow again this weekend and i'll try your yummy snow ice cream recipe…mmmm...

  6. Wonderful features! Love those cottages! I do appreciate you hosting,

  7. Oh my - I swoon at those houses - they are just wonderful. We don't have the cottage look out here on the west coast so much and I adore cottages. I'll have to take a little tour around town and see what I can find - they are just precious.

  8. Loved the tour of your neighborhoods in the snow. I need to do this of my neighborhood next time it snows! I don't like getting out in the weather if I don't have to though and the last time it snowed I was at work the whole time. Loved seeing all these cottages...many look like they could be in my very own neighborhood. Love me some cottages!

    1. Yeah, it seems to snow over night here then the sun comes out the next day for the big melt. Some of these cottages probably had a lot more snow the following morning while I was at work.

  9. Deb,
    So many pretty homes!! The one in the last picture is my favorite!!

    Thanks so much for the feature and for the party!! I will add a Shout Out to you in my latest post when i get home from work in the morning as i will be leaving shortly...

    Thanks again!!


  10. Lovely post.
    I love cottages..... and front porches!
    I grew up in a beautiful bungalow and with a huge front porch. My mother made everything beautiful. She loved to decorate and always had beautiful gardens. A pretty handmade wreath always hung on the front door and the porch was always beautifully decorated. I remember relaxing on the front porch with my parents..... on hot summer nights sipping sweet tea..... my mother sewing and my father telling stories.
    Takes me back.
    Thanks for hosting each week.
    Have a lovely week.

  11. I really enjoyed looking at all those cottages - the stone cottage was my favorite! Thank you so much for hosting. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

  12. Lovely tour around your neigbourhood, really beautiful homes! Your linky party looks great too, thanks for hosting!

  13. Love this post. I collect English cottages and these photos are wonderful... what a great idea!

  14. I love that you took pictures of all of these amazing homes! I work in a historic district of homes and walk the neighborhoods when it is nice. I have been tempted to take pictures of my favorites but didn't know if they owners would think I was a weirdo or what. I just might have to do it now! Thanks for hosting and letting me join in!


    1. I walk these neighborhoods all the time and take photos. I do try to be a little discreet, I'll admit. I think anyone with a lovely home wants others to enjoy it!

  15. Hi Deb. I came here from Jann's blog and believe I'm your newest follower. I LOVE cottages, so I know I came to the right place. What a great collection you gathered for this post. Each is delightful in its own way. I linked up part one of a cottage tour today. You might enjoy it. All the best ~ Nancy @ A Joyful Cottage. P.S. I see you're from Ohio. I lived in Columbus for 14 years, and really loved it. Lots of great friends back there.

    1. Welcome Nancy! Stop back every week to join in with other cottage lovers!

  16. What a delightful neighborhood you live in. Love the big craftsman bungalow. Happy to be linking up and finding so much good stuff! Thank you for the feature!

  17. I live in TX where it rarely snows, so this is a treat to see these cozy cottages in the snow. Just found your party so am joining in the fun with my post on What do you do on a snowy day? '-)
    Oddly, they are now predicting snow for us here on Friday.

    1. Lol Sarah! I used to live in South Carolina where winter lasted just a few weeks and usually consisted of an ice storm or two. Rarely snow.

  18. Hi Deb,

    What beautiful cottages in the snow! Thank you for hosting this lovely party.

  19. What a fun post...so many of these are like the homes in my neighborhood! :)

  20. lovely little cottages. They look so welcoming.

  21. My favourite are the first bungalow and the pale yellow cottage with that fancy trim! I'm sorry to join so late. It has been one of those weeks... But as I just posted something about a hot chocolate pot, I thought I should link it up!

  22. What great pictures of a cute neighborhood with adorable cottages! Thank you so much for hosting a link party!

  23. Hi there nice to meet you, Love the cottage review I can just imagine the beautiful character the interior of them hold. Thanks for hosting! Lisa@ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

  24. Love, love those cottages! There are a few that I could just move right in to! Yup, hot chocolate please! thanks for sharing with SYC.


Thank you!