
Blooming this Week ~ Magic Lilies and ?

It seems like only yesterday that I couldn't wait for my hydrangeas, peonies and lavender to bloom.

Now it is the end of summer and my favorites have bloomed and faded.

But a few flowers remain....

Magic lily!

Hard working zinnias!

Butterfly bushes!

Potted coreopsis!

Annual baskets!

Russian sage leaning out for some sun.

Its getting moved this fall to a sunnier location.

The kitty is a permanent fixture (and camera ham!).

This week I am linking to:


  1. Thank you for sharing your lovely end of summer blooms.

  2. I love those magic lilies. We refer to them as surprise lilies here. I remember planting them in our old house and completely forgetting I did it. Then one day they popped up and bloomed, all at once. It was a surprise! Thanks for reminding me about them.

  3. Lovely blooms, they should cheer you up for some more time.

  4. Still have alot of lovely flowers going on there and I like that kitty too :)

  5. What gorgeous color you have!

  6. wow! Nature is blooming in your wonderful photography ~ and love your cat! ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I have to attest, those zinnias are mighty hard workers!

  8. Ahh...very pretty lily indeed! My russian sage was acting like it wanted to be somewhere else too! I need to give mine more elbow room! Pretty kitty!


Thank you!