
New Coral Bells Flowers for 2010

Coral bells are almost full proof as a flower to grow in your garden. They are hardy for zones 4-9, even lasting through winter in my zone 5, some what protected flower boxes! They are already making a come back from winters stress. Low growing, they can be tucked into borders or in front of shrubs. In the summer they have tiny blooms to enjoy up close. And they now come in a large variety of colors including these new ones for 2010.

'midnight bayou' coralbells

One of the best dark-leaf coralbells for hot, humid summer gardens, 'Midnight Bayou' presents purplefoliage marked with nearly black veins. It takes on more reddish tones in autumn.

'mint julep' corabells

If you've had bad luck with hostas because of deer and rabbits, try 'Mint Julep' coralbells as a replacement. This mounding plant offers fresh green foliage overlaid in silver for a hosta effect -- but pests pass it by.

'autumn leaves' coralbells

We love coralbells for their lovely foliage, and this three-season variety has us particularly excited. The leaves are reddish in spring, take on cappuccino tones in summer, and become glowing red in fall. Plus, 'Autumn Leaves' has been bred to take heat and humidity, so it's a better pick for Southern gardeners.

Happy gardening!

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