
Greek Yogurt with Honey

Greek Yogurt with Honey

We love Greek yogurt but find the store brand a little too expensive. So, we make our own! It’s simple and tasty just like the store bought kind but cheaper in price but not flavor. We especially love it with honey. It’s so tasty for breakfast or a snack. Even dessert! Here’s our recipe for Greek yogurt with honey:

What you will need:

A 32 oz container of plain yogurt

3 Tablespoons of honey or more/less to taste

A mesh strainer

A large spoon

2 sheets of paper towels

1 mixing bowl larger than the strainer

A refrigerator

 How to Make it:

Line the strainer with one paper towel and position it over the mixing bowl so that it is resting on the rim.

Scoop the yogurt into the paper towel lined strainer and place the other paper towel on top of it.

Put the bowl of yogurt into the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight.

After at least 4 hours take the bowl from the refrigerator and carefully remove the strainer while holding it over a sink. Now dump the liquid out of the bowl and set it down in the sink.

Remove the top paper towel and dump the yogurt into the bowl. If the bottom paper towel sticks to the yogurt remove it and throw both paper towels away.

Mix the 3 tablespoons of honey into the yogurt.

You now have Greek yogurt with honey! Yum! Make some tonight!

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