

Cottage Style Party & The Whimsical Nursery

I went to my favorite nursery on Saturday.

This is an annual trip I make on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.
I visit for inspiration and to pick up plants I can't get any where else.
I love this place because of all the whimsical containers they use for their plants!

Next to this lime green bench (love the cheerful color!) is an old child's Radio Flyer wagon loaded with colorful small plants.

In this greenhouse, the plants are arranged by color for easy hanging basket color choice.

Love the colors of those sweet potato vines below!

I was hung up on the purple table and the hot pinks below.

Note this sweet little sedum and succulents hanger below!

The long greenhouses are filled with color and a wide selection of plant starts.

Million bells in every color…this is my go to plant for flower-filled baskets.

Colorful coleus…so pretty viewed like this but not a fav of mine…next!

This is the place where I first heard of fairy gardens.

I love this whimsical one!

Such a sweet cottage garden…but where are the weeds?

Here's the tiny plants for the fairy gardens.

(that's my friend Vici who I ran into while shopping here)

In front of the fairy garden is a stump planted with succulents.

(I think that's an old doll cradle in yellow next to it)

Here's an old shutter planted with tiny fairy garden plants!

There are chairs and benches everywhere which encourage you to sit and linger…nice!

Below are some old bath tubs with water garden plants.

That's a papyrus in front. I picked up a water hyacinth…maybe this year it will bloom!

They really do nice small plantings...

…like this tiny tea cup planter!

I love this woodland basket planter and intend to borrow this idea of what to do with broken clay pots.

(shhh…don't tell!)

More places to sit and enjoy and listen to the fountain.

They also do really nice hanging baskets with exuberant color!

After all this excitement I just might have to take a nap in this adorable flower-filled bed...


Hello Friends!

Welcome to this weeks

Cottage Style Party!


The unofficial start of summer happened this past weekend and it did not disappoint!
With temperatures in the low 90's, I worked outside in the mornings and evenings and took a little siesta in the afternoons.

Good news…I finished all my planting and can enjoy the garden for the rest of the summer.
Until I need to weed or fertilize or harvest.

Yikes, maybe I am not really done, just done for now.

Does that mean the end of gardening posts?


I think you know the answer to that…..

Trisha scored these beautiful white roses and displayed them on her mantle.
So pretty!

I love the beads woven in and out along her mantle top along with the candles. Stop in to Trisha's blog American Honey Home to see details of her lovely creamy dreamy mantle!

I'll admit, I am so jealous of all the sweet curbside finds that Shannon picked when her town had a clean up week!

Just look at this crusty cabinet! I am drooling. Drop in to Shannon's blog A Southern Belle with Northern Roots to see all of her fab finds and don't forget to bring a hankie to sop up the drool.

Can you believe how cute these shabby decoupage items are? They were hand made and have that wonderfully aged patina that I love!  

These are wedding gifts that Martinel handmade. I'm sure the couple will treasure them!
Visit her blog Martinel Handmade & Decoupage to see details of these romantic gifts!

If you were featured, don't
forget your button!


Thanks for stopping by!
 Please visit these wonderful bloggers 
and their fabulous blogs 
to see what they are up to:


  1. Thanks for the tour of your favorite garden shop Deb! Every time I've moved to a new town, that's one of the first things I try to scope out in the fall or spring. I'm always on the look out for fun places with unusual plants.
    Happy Gardening!!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing that fantastic garden center with us!! Loved all of it but especially the fairy gardens......

    Thanks for the party!!


  3. Oh what a fabulous place to visit - so many wonderful ideas.

  4. Now I feel the need to go shop for plants. Lovely place ... thanks for sharing.
    Thanks too, for hosting a fun party.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  5. Deb, what a wonderful nursery! Thanks for the tour and for hosting the party.

  6. What a creative florist! Thanks for hosting the party, Deb. :)

  7. I love the chairs in the nursery, especially the white wrought iron bench!

  8. What a colourful post, Deb...I'm honoured you featured my vintage wedding set:)
    Thank you so much:)

  9. Thanks so much for the feature!


  10. Love the garden nursery! Thank you for hosting, have a great week


Thank you!