

Cottage Style Party & An Herb Garden Redo

Winter was so harsh this year that I lost a bunch of plants in my garden.
Good bye roses, hollyhocks, blueberries, glads and most of my herb garden.

I've spent the last month replanting my gardens and making some new choices in plants.
Some of the choices are in my herb garden.

I lost everything except my garlic chives which are blooming below:

Since most of my herbs were potted I'm not too surprised I have to replant after last winter.
Just disappointed I lost so many.
But not you garlic chives!
You're a champ!

This time around I planted 2 kinds of mint: chocolate and apple.
Either one will taste yummy in my mojito this summer while watching the fireflies from my swing!

This is my main cooking herbs pot with garlic chives, rosemary, dill, thyme and parsley.
I like to snip a bit of these while I'm cooking to toss in my recipe.

I potted 3 kinds of sage together because I love fried sage to top pasta! 
The smaller pot has Stevia in it, the stuff in Truvia sweetener.
Last year I saw a Stevia plant at a nursery and pinched a green leaf off the plant to taste it.
Wow, was it sweet!
I'm not sure what I will do with it, maybe just pinch a leaf off when I need a sugar fix!

This is my only basil plant so far. Soon it will be joined by hundreds of seedlings rising up from the soil!
I just needed a little basil plant to get me over the wait of sprouting seeds!

This is one of the lavender plants I had to replace.
Lavender Garden Cottage can not be without some lavender in my garden.
All of my lavender died during the winter months.
So sad...

This is my fennel which died over the winter but was kind enough to toss its seeds around for several new plants this spring.
(If only the lavender could have done that…)

Below is just a few million seeds from the neighbors maple tree invading my gardens, yard, patio, house and truck the last couple of weeks.
These things are driving me crazy!
Just when I think it is done, it drops a giant batch every where.
I'll be pulling those seedling trees out all summer long!

The enemy.

Hello Friends!

Welcome to this weeks

Cottage Style Party!


As you can tell from the last several weeks, I've been replacing plants at a furious pace in my gardens.

It's gardening season and all work inside my cottage is on hold until I can get everything planted. 

My goal each year is to be finished by the last weekend in May which is the weekend I go to this lovely nursery to drool over her flower baskets.
And spend the last of my flower budget!

Anyone else working in the garden?

Let's see…

Penny has been working on her mini tabletop garden!
How cute is this?

This fairy garden has it all: a tiny maze, flowering plants, potted moss and a DIY bust made from a doll head!
Head on over to Penny's blog Pennywise to see how to make your own fairy garden!

I went over to Brooke's blog to see her her rose garden.
This is the party photo she posted:

Normally I respect the photo posted and encourage you to visit the hosts blog to see the rest of the story (and photos!).

But when I went over to Brooke's blog Creative Country Mom's Garden I was completely distracted by this:

Pretty pink climbing roses!
So if that empty trellis makes you want to go over to her blog to see her pretty roses, by all means, go!
But I am going over there to drool on her roses…

I just love an old farmhouse, don't you?
This lovely old Victorian home belonged to the Lilac Lady and is just lovely!
Quilts, quilts and more quilts!

Stop by Diane's blog Design till it shines to see a ton of wonderful photos of this lovely old home. There's also a link to the lilacs in her garden too!
So beautiful!

If you were featured, don't
forget your button!


Thanks for stopping by!
 Please visit these wonderful bloggers 
and their fabulous blogs 
to see what they are up to:


  1. I feel your pain, Deb! I've been pulling up those tiny little maple seedlings the past week. Ugh! Guess I get a multitude of squats in while I'm pulling them, though! lol

    xoxo laurie

    1. Way to think positive Laurie! I might have to try that this summer…all summer...

  2. Love your herb garden! I have moved most of my plants into containers for ease of gardening. Spent all day today working out in the heat. Thank you for hosting!

  3. Deb, I feel so badly that you lost so many plants. The list you gave....I would never have expected that you would have lost roses and blueberries,too. On the flip side...I love visiting greenhouses, buying plants, and planting and I'm thinking you probably do too. I'll look forward to seeing you garden come fully alive with your new plants. Happy Gardening!!

    1. Thanks Diane! I'm going to a nursery today and my favorite one next weekend. Can't wait to see what they have!

  4. I love my herbs! Yours are looking lovely! Thanks for hosting!

  5. Thanks for the party, Debi :) Your garden looks great. So sad you lost so many plants though...
    Autumn hugs from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  6. Your garden has a great beginning! xoxo

  7. Sorry to hear you lost so many plants over the winter. I lost a fair share, too. Harsh winter! Your herbs look great. Have you ever tried pineapple sage? I love growing it. The leaves smell like pineapple and add a bit of a sweet flavor to dishes. Happy gardening.

    1. Hi Ann! Yes, I have tried pineapple sage and it is yummy. Sadly, it is just not sold anywhere in my town or the neighboring towns either. I'm going to my favorite nursery next weekend and will check for some there. They are my only hope in finding unique herbs or flowers. I can always squeeze in another plant…lol!

  8. I love your little herb garden. With the renovation going on, I decided this year was not the one to owrk in the garden, but I did create a little herb garden as well and it makes me so happy!

  9. Hi Deb,

    Your herb garden looks fantastic! I bet it smells lovely too. Thank you for hosting.

  10. Hi, Deb. Looks like you're off to a very good start! We've lost a lot of plants due to severe drought for the past few hurts. Thanks for hosting the party!

  11. I live in Michigan and as its been so cold I have not been able to plant yet. Also lost all my Lavender during this winter. Instead of my garden I am showing our weekend ride and walk to see wildflowers instead.

  12. Thank you so much for hosting! :) Enjoy your week. Maria


Thank you!