

Cottage Style Party & August Garden

I've been enjoying my garden without you this month!

I thought I might share what is flowering right now.

August is the month for morning glories and I love this blue and white one!

Two versions of blue and white striped morning glories.

I spray painted some large pots back in the spring and planted some flowering vines to climb the posts holding up my back porch roof.
This climber is moonflower…a vine I can't seem to grow with direct seeding but was able to germinate in a seed starting kit this year.

Moonflowers are HUGE! 

And seem to glow in the moonlight.

These morning glories are climbing on my native daylilies which are long spent.

These have hitched a ride on one of my hanging baskets.

This pink zinnia just keeps pumping out pretty pink blooms.

There is hint of rain drops on this rose.
Can you smell it?
So sweet!

These peach nasturtiums spill out on the lawn from my flower beds.

These brown eyed susans look right at home next to my free fence and $5 birdbath!

This basket of lantana and petunias has been very popular with hummingbirds.
Don't worry…the kitty hiding in the flowers doesn't bother any birds.
But he sure likes to watch them!

These lavender roses are just starting to turn but were still so lovely and delicious smelling!

The kitty statue peeks out above this orange nasturtium.

This glad glows against the early morning fog last week.

An update!

Rememeber my $20 swing find from last year?

I decided to keep the paint color and found a cushion to work with it.
It all came together last weekend with the straw pillows that work with the cushion.

It has become a popular lounging spot for the kitties now.

You are welcome, Daisy!

Hello Friends!

Welcome to this weeks

Cottage Style Party


It occurred to me after I posted my WLYS pictures last week, that I must have found more than just that.
After all, my truck was jammed full!

I stewed on this for a couple of days before I realized I had taken the photos in 2 batches and I had bundled up the first batch and filed them to make room for the second batch on my desktop.

What is that old saying?

Out of sight, out of mind.
Perhaps I am more out of my mind that I should be!

Anywho…if you would like to see photos of the first batch of items I found, please stop by my Etsy shop.
Most of the items are on the home page with a few on the 2nd page. And a few have sold.

My apologies!

Remember I was out of my mind!

Let's jump right in..

How pretty is this setting in Brooke's cottage garden?
Those hydrangeas are just lovely!

Visit Brooke's blog Creative Country Mom to see more of her lovely cottage garden and don't miss the white allium! And don't forget her Tuesday Garden Party!

That cup of tea looks like it was just poured to enjoy with a good book. In this case the book is In The Garden With Jane Austen.

Visit Sherry's blog The Charm of Home to see the gardens that Jane Austen frequented. Don't miss the photo of Jane Austen's family home! And enjoy a cup of tea too!

Fall is right around the corner which means fall decorating is also right around the corner.
Jody is getting a jump on her fall decorating with pumpkins and fall flowers!

How cute is this?
Stop by Jody's blog Southern Seazons to see more of her cute fall decor!

If you were featured, don't
forget your button!


Thanks for stopping by!

Please visit these wonderful bloggers
and their fabulous blogs
to see what they are up to:


  1. Deb,
    The linky thing is not appearing... Maybe it's only a problem with my computer? I thought I'll let you know so you can check.

  2. Those blue morning glories are stunning! Your flowers are all gorgeous - thanks for the pictures! I will come back for the party when the linky is up. Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Thank you for featuring my Fall chair. I love your morning glories. Have a great day!

  4. Thank you for the feature Deb! I will check back and look for the link. I am not seeing it. Thanks for the party! Sherry

  5. I love the morning glories, they are such beautiful flowers


  6. what a wonderful swing to relax on, kitty is certainly enjoying it! i don't let mine outside, but i know they'd love to lounge like yours. they at least get to enjoy our sunroom.

  7. Oh I love the flowers, especially the blue/white morning glories. The blue ones don't grow here - but the white ones grow wild - EVERYWHERE! I'm always excited when I see them starting to open up. Your garden is lovely.

  8. I love old fashioned flowers like Morning Glories...have some in our backyard too! Thx for hosting. Have a nice weekend :)

  9. Your morning glories are amazing. Beautiful flowers in your garden. Thanks for sharing.
    I linked my post for this week, but now realize this is last week's linky. See you later for this weeks.

  10. Your garden is lovely, Deb. And your bargain swing looks cozy! Great find...thank you for sharing at Revisionary Life!


Thank you!